Welcome to the Idaho Internet Exchange

The Idaho Internet Exchange (IdahoIX) is a community-driven initiative aimed at enhancing internet connectivity and lowering costs in Idaho. This is achieved by creating more internet access points in the region, making it the first of its kind in the state.

IdahoIX unites internet service providers (ISPs), transport carriers, mobile and content providers and internet users to exchange internet traffic inexpensively through a shared switch fabric hosted in ark’s Boise data center. By peering directly and eliminating third-party carriers, IdahoIX strengthens local connectivity and keeps costs lower for all participants.

We all benefit from more reliable internet connections—and when like-minded internet users work together, we’ll make more progress quickly.

Business is Booming in Idaho

What’s not to love about Idaho? With cool vibes, an incredible and accessible natural environment and amazing quality of life, the state is growing in several key regions—but not so quickly that the challenges outweigh the benefits of being an up-and-coming hotspot. The drawback? Like many growing mountain regions, we could be better connected. That’s where IdahoIX comes in. We’re here to bring business leaders together to exchange local internet traffic more efficiently, improve overall performance and cut costs for all.

Member Benefits

Access to Content

As IdahoIX participants grow the ability to attract local content, providers will grow, which will help grow the IX.

A Strong Network of Participants

IdahoIX participants work together to create faster network connections for all.

Improved Network Performance and Reliability

A stronger local network means data travels faster and more reliably.

Expanded Peering Capacity

There are ever-growing opportunities for private and public peering.

Local Traffic - Reduced Latency

When local traffic stays local, everything moves faster.

Reliable Network Connections

Switch fabric is housed in ark's purpose-built Boise data center.

Join the Exchange

With every participant and every connection, IdahoIX grows stronger, creating faster and more reliable network trafficking. When we work together toward a common goal, we all benefit. Join IdahoIX today.